AeManual / UOSC


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This micro module is a tiny, multifunctional oscillator module that offers a variety of waveforms:

  • Sawtooth
  • Pulse
  • Triangle/Sine
  • three different wavetables

It offers knobs and CV control for pitch and shape (variations of the base waveform). Additionally, it can be controlled via IMDI and supports note/pitch, pitchbend, Assignable controller for shape and pitchbend range can be set via IMDI/MIDI by the specified controller message. .

This module needs to be installed on the µBASE module!

Module power consumption: ? mA


  • CV - CV control for pitch, 1V/octave
  • IMDI - IMDI messages for pitch, shape and others
  • SHP - CV for controlling the shape
  • CV2 - additional CV input (###to be specified)


  • OUT - the audio output
  • SO - suboctave as square wave
  • MX - mix of audio out and suboctave


  • FREQ Pot - controls the pitch
  • SHAPE Pot - modifies the selected waveform in different ways, depending on the selected waveform
  • 0 / +2 switch - changes the pitch by 2 octaves
  • mode button - cycles through the available modes / waveforms, displayed by the LED:

red: sawtooth, green: pulse, orange: triangle/sine, blinking ###EXPLAIN: wavetable 1, 2, 3

Shape function

  • in Sawtooth mode: full left is a single sawtooth, the further right, increasingly detuned double sawtooth
  • in Pulse mode: sets the pulsewidth
  • in triangle/sine mode: in the left half, triangle wave, in the right half sine wave
  • in wavetable modes: scans through the wavetable waveforms

Patch Suggestions

uOSC.png Δ

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