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This 1/3 height micro module provides a single attenuverter function whereby you can offset an incoming signal and attenuate it at the same time.

This module needs to be installed on the µBASE module!

Module power consumption: ? mA


  • IN - The incoming CV signal


  • OUT The signal after it's been offset by the offset knob and attenuated by the level knob


  • OFFSET - This sets the amount of voltage alteration applied to the input signal.
  • LEVEL - This controls the incoming signal amount, before being added to the offset.

Patch Suggestions

This module is similar to the 2CVTOOL however it can only add the signal to an offset, not subtract from it.

Nonetheless it is immensely useful for controlling pitch or filter modulations especially when the input signal is coming from a random source.


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Page last modified on December 02, 2022, at 07:51 AM
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