AeManual / 2CVTOOL


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The 2CVTOOL offers two separate units for offset, attenuation and inversion of signals, also known as "attenuverter". This can be useful for all kinds of purposes.

Module power consumption: 2 mA


  • IN 1 - accepts any CV or audio signal
  • IN 2 - accepts any CV or audio signal


  • Bus CV - CV signal from MIDI (CC20)
  • Bus CTRL - CTRL signal from MIDI
  • OUT 1 (x2) - attenuverted and offset signal from IN1
  • OUT 2 (x2) - attenuverted and offset signal from IN2
  • MULT - passive multiple, not connected to the module's circuitry


  • OFFSET 1 - Potentiometer to dial in the offset voltage for channel 1.
  • LEVEL 1 - Potentiometer to select the attenuation. This is a bipolar control in that it can reduce the incoming voltage or increase it.
  • OFFSET 2 - Potentiometer to dial in the offset voltage for channel 2. This will be added to the incoming CV.
  • LEVEL 2 - Potentiometer to select the attenuation. This is a bipolar control in that it can reduce the incoming voltage or increase it.

Patch Suggestions

This is (currently) one of the few modules that can invert a signal so can be invaluable. For example; you want a filter to close as a key is held and then open once released the easiest way to do this is to invert the CV out from an envelope generator. Another common example is inverting a trigger so something else is making noise when the trigger is not "on", useful for rhythm patches...

This module can be useful to provide a knob control to a parameter that doesn't otherwise have one. For example CV2 on the MS20 filter module.

It can also be good with the Joystick module, for instance if you want a CV being controlled by that also have another adjustment.

Currently only the Mixconsole has CV control of the channel input levels on a mixer; you can use the 2CVTOOL to set a minimum level with the offset, and then the modulation amount (i.e. volume) is controlled by this module's level knob. Excellent with Envelopes but works with LFOs as well....


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