LOPAG (VACTROL LOW PASS GATE)This is a fairly subtle module filter wise, and certainly shouldn't be a first filter purchase as there is no direct control of the filter itself other than on/off. This doesn't mean it isn't useful however.... Module power consumption: 1 mA Inputs
Outputsalso see Bus Gate above.
Patch SuggestionsIt can be used as a straight VCA triggered by the gate, CV and/or trig inputs in any combination or singly; this can be very useful for polyrhythmic effects. One more CV/trigger input than the regular AE VCAs. This works in either LP or VCA mode. It is good for adding "Punch" to percussive sounds, especially the AE KICK module. It can save using a filter and VCA module if it does what you want to the sound, with less patching and CV/ triggers then needed also. The classic running a held chord, (SOLINA!}, through a gate triggered in time to the drum pattern is very good with this module, in either mode. The Gate input is really useful for this as you can then adjust how long the chord is heard for - if your trigger is too short, put through a ENV module and use that output into the gate or the CV input on this module. This module does not have CV control of resonance, but it can be created by putting one of the outputs through a VCA whose level is controlled by the CV modulation source (e.g. LFO or envelope), then feeding the VCA output back into this module - you will need a mixer module, or use a mult if necessary as there is only one input. Be aware you will not be able to adjust the frequency like on a regular filter but it can still be useful/ interesting.... Process the sound further before feeding it to the VCA? Sound ExamplesAE Modular filter comparison: |
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